A challenge to myself to write 500+ words on a daily basis, regardless of subject matter. My goal is to improve my writing, write regularly, and to put deeper thought into all the things that run through my head on the regular.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


From Creative Writing Prompts: "Start your story with this line: Her laugh broke the silence."

Her laugh broke the silence in a small, darkened room. There were murmurs and stares as she continued to laugh in a flirtatious manner to a blushing female sitting next to her. The two women were the only ones in the restaurant that late in the night, drinking wine as red as the crimson lipstick on the bartender’s lips.

Her dyed red hair had natural waves that fell down her open back dress, revealing a small birthmark on her right shoulder. Lucy. Lucy with a flirtatious laugh that could confuse even the most confident of men. That laugh did wonders on her female counterpart, whose pale cheeks blushed and the laughing response.

“It was just a question!” she cried out in attempt to cover for her growing embarrassment. She hadn’t meant to make Lucy laugh, or perhaps she had feared that she wouldn’t make Lucy laugh. Her embarrassed grin made Lucy’s laughter louder, while her hand reached out to ever so slightly touch her arm.

“I haven’t been asked that question in a long time,” Lucy replied, with giggles spilling out of her mouth between words.

Lucy had just met her, really. It wasn’t a bar that either women frequented, or one where either expected to meet other females. Andrea wasn’t exactly feminine looking when she initially approached Lucy and offered to buy her a drink, which had turned into several drinks and the slow progression of others leaving the bar as the night got later. Andrea had a feminine body, hidden beneath slacks and a tailored shirt, buttoned up to the neck. Her hair was dark and cut short, but there was no mistaking her face for anything but that of a woman.

The clock on the wall showed that it was just a few minutes before two am, and the bar had long been quiet with only the whispers between Andrea and Lucy. The bartender had taken up washing glasses, wiping down empty tables, and cleaning up for the night. The women barely noticed, too caught up in their own conversation to care about their surroundings.

It wasn’t until the bartender purposefully cleared his throat that the women realized the time, and Andrea made the bold decision to ask Lucy to go home with her. It was a decision fueled by the wine that had surely made its way to her head, and at the time it had felt right. The laughter is what worried Andrea.

It was the gentle touch of Lucy’s hand against Andrea’s arm that knew she shouldn’t be embarrassed, but there was always a fear when speaking to women that perhaps she’s not into women. 

Andrea let out a barely audible giggle as she paid the bartender, and stood up next to Lucy. Lucy was fiddling with a compact and a tube of lipstick, as if she had a need to suddenly reapply the long since worn off lipstick. Andrea’s giggle turned into a laugh, as Lucy quickly and not so discreetly ran fingers through her own hair as if to straighten it out.

The two walked slowly into the cool air outside the bar, Andrea’s hand placed gently on the small of Lucy’s back, their destination in mind, and their minds racing in anticipation.  

Total word count: 541

I haven't done any creative writing based off a prompt in a while. It was interesting to feel the story just flow out of my mind and onto my keyboard. I'm looking forward to doing more!

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